Tag Archive | universe


If we can open our minds to the possibility that everyone sees only a part of the Divine, the next step is realizing that everyone’s understanding is also perfect for that person at the present time. If we fully believe this, we can happily allow all religions and forms of spirituality to exist in harmony […]

Where are We Going?

There is no right path. There is no right destination. There are an infinite number of possible destinations, and even more paths to get there. (I know that’s not possible, but you know what I mean.) Each destination is equally valid, and each choice I make takes me in the direction of one or another. […]

The Dreamer

The All-That-Is and all that has happened and will happen within it is someone’s dream. It is your dream. You are the dreamer. I am the dreamer. I am you and you are me. We are the dreamer. All of us dream the dream together. Together, we are The One Who Is All.

Death, Where Is Your Sting?

There need not be fear or sadness surrounding death. It’s the perfectly beautiful shedding of the body and release of the soul.

All Are One

The cells of your body are to you as the waves are to the ocean, as you are to all that is. Separateness is an illusion.

Embracing My Truth

I am the bird that flies. I am the grass that blows in the wind. I am the sun that shines. I am the river And the stone. I am the earth And the sky. I am the Universe. I am all things. ~Anya Phenix

What I am reall…

What I am really saying is that you don’t need to do anything, because if you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomena of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You […]

Looking Within

For the majority of my life I was a fundamentalist Christian, because of this I still find myself looking externally to find meaning and direction in my life. I was taught that I am unworthy, imperfect, filled with sin, and that I must look to God and the Bible in order to find truth. My […]

Seeking Truth

I had just formally renounced Christianity, citing an inability to believe in a God who would create humans only to sentence the majority of them to an eternity of pain and suffering – among other issues I have with traditional Christian beliefs. I knew in my heart that love was the most important thing in […]

Fear and Love

I am frightened by the power I feel when I am angry. I know that I have the potential to do tremendous harm – emotionally, spiritually, and physically – if I were to harness the power available to me. For this reason, I have made it a priority to learn how to control my anger. […]