Tag Archive | environment

Where are We Going?

There is no right path. There is no right destination. There are an infinite number of possible destinations, and even more paths to get there. (I know that’s not possible, but you know what I mean.) Each destination is equally valid, and each choice I make takes me in the direction of one or another. […]

The Wolf and The Bear

Last night I had an unusual dream. I was looking at a woman who was wearing tanned leather and had long black hair, but I couldn’t make out any of her features. As I watched her, she appeared as a wolf, running around the foot of a mountain which represented the world. There was a feeling […]

I Am

My bones are mountains. My tears, rushing rivers. The earth’s crust is my skin. Trees adorn my head. The sun, moon, and stars Are in my eyes. The ether of the Universe is my breath. Separateness is an illusion. I am all things and all things are me.